SEE has changed and it’s FREE!

Contact us if you need help with reading, writing, maths, English language or computer skills.

SEE program

Information for referring agencies

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Why should I refer clients to SEE?

  • SEE improves clients’ English language, reading, writing, maths and digital skills so they become more employable
  • SEE is FREE
  • SEE can provide accredited training
  • SEE fulfills clients’ Mutual Obligation requirements

Who can I refer to SEE?

  • All eligible clients over 15 years of age who would benefit from FREE  English language, reading, writing, maths and digital skills training
  • English speaking and non-English speaking clients
  • Early school leaver clients
  • Mature aged clients
  • Youth clients
  • Indigenous clients

How to refer to SEE

For Workforce Australia, ParentsNext, DES and CDP providers, information on how to refer clients to SEE is available on the Provider Portal.

LfE SEE Sites and Activity Codes 2024

Learning for Employment is a high-quality provider with over 20 years’ experience delivering SEE and similar programs.

  • We deliver SEE with a focus on skills needed for training and work
  • Initial, Basic and Advanced levels of training available
  • Clients can do all of their SEE training hours face to face
  • We offer accredited and non-accredited training
  • We have ongoing intakes in SEE

  • Part-time or full time classes available at multiple sites in West Melbourne, North West Melbourne, Barwon and Ballarat contract regions
  • Learning outcomes are measured against participants’ achievement towards their learning goals and addressing their learning needs
  • If you have referred your clients, we can provide you with updates on your clients’ attendance and progress