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Li Chen’s determination to succeed!

2 September 2021

Li Chen has been in Australia a few years, but as she worked in a souvenir shop for Chinese tourists, she rarely needed to speak English. Enrolling in AMEP gave her the chance to improve her English, and get qualifications and work in a completely new industry. Now she is working in childcare while continuing her study for Diploma of Early Childhood Education.

Li’s teacher said that, ‘When Li first walked into my course level class almost three years ago, I could see immediately that she had a certain charisma about her. She looked like a woman on a mission, namely, to learn English. She was involved in all the class activities from the get-go, always walking from group to group passing on her energy and enthusiasm wherever she went. She would help new students from Iran, South Sudan, etc., offering them the little bit of knowledge that she knew she had, and that they hadn’t. Nothing deterred Li and it was evident that she was a born teacher.’

Li had, ‘always wanted to study English, but (she) worried about the money!” When a friend told her about Laverton Community Education Centre, she jumped at the chance and enrolled in AMEP.

Before Li had even completed her Course in EAL, she had been asking about doing a childcare course. She sat the entrance test for the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and although her speaking skills were a little low, she was very determined to succeed.

She completed her Certificate III and immediately began to look for a job in early childhood care. ‘It was difficult at first because I didn’t have any experience,’ said Li. But Laverton Community Children’s Centre gave her some volunteer work. Li’s energy and enthusiasm came to her aid, and it wasn’t long before she was offered a casual position at the centre. ‘I was so happy having my first job as a childcare worker, but I still had some free time during the week, so I decided to keep studying and do the diploma in early childhood education.’

Li is still in the process of doing her diploma and says, ‘now I’m getting 10 to 16 hours work every week and sometimes more. It’s a nice working environment and lovely colleagues and I’m glad and happy to work there.’

‘A few years ago, when I first came to Australia, I was a little bit confused. A new country, a different language, and different culture, I wasn’t sure if I would ever get used to it. Now, I’m doing a diploma and have a job, and can even chat with my colleagues in English. I’m so appreciative that I met a lot of good people, teachers, classmates, colleagues, and my family, and without all their help, I couldn’t have done it”.