SEE student’s journey back into the classroom
50 year old former SEE student Yi Xhang (Sue) is now studying for the future here in Melbourne after a back and forth journey between her birth country of China and her home here in Australia.
Although Sue and her son have only called Melbourne home since 2015, she first stood on Australian soil with her then husband in 1999 while on a skilled migrant visa. With Sue’s limited English, she found it difficult to find work in her former field as a laboratory assistant. She did however find work in a sewing factory before opening her own milk bar shortly after.
She would run her own business until 2008 when she decided to move back to China with her son who was 8 years old at this point. After changes in Sue’s family circumstances she and her son returned to Melbourne in 2015 and in 2017 Sue joined Learning for Employment’s SEE program at Laverton. Sue has improved her English and developed the confidence to pursue further study. After Sue completed the 650 hours of SEE training in 2019, her teacher said that Sue was ä dedicated student” and that she was “confident of her success” moving forward.
Sue is currently completing her Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and intends to continue onto the Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care next year.