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SEE gave Yahong confidence for study and work.

31 August 2023

Yahong has been in Australia since 2007 but has not had much opportunity to improve her English. At first she worked in a factory with Chinese speaking coworkers and then in a dry cleaning shop. Although she was not surrounded by Chinese language at the drycleaners, it was still a very diverse workplace and she struggled to understand her colleagues.

After that she had a baby and took time out of the workforce.

Eventually she wanted to go back to work and she realised she needed to improve her English and her confidence.

She joined a SEE class at Laverton Integrated Service in July 2022 and worked on her English skills. As her English improved, her confidence rose as well.

She decided she wanted a career in education support and in February 2023 she passed the literacy and numeracy test and enrolled in the Certificate IV in School Based Education Support. She is currently studying and has also found casual employment through the referring agency ANZUK Education.

She is succeeding as an Education Support Worker in a school as her course allows her to understand her role and responsibilities, and with her improved English she can communicate well with her colleagues. She is now very confident and happy with her new skills and employment opportunities.