SEE has changed and it’s FREE! Contact us if you need help with reading, writing, maths, English language or computer skills.
Areas you’re able to volunteer—Please choose an option—Borough of QueenscliffeCity of BrimbankCity of Greater GeelongCity of Hobsons BayCity of MaribyrnongCity of MeltonCity of WyndhamMoorabool ShireSurf Coast Shire
Your availability—Please choose an option—Monday MorningMonday AfternoonMonday EveningTuesday MorningTuesday AfternoonTuesday EveningWednesday MorningWednesday AfternoonWednesday EveningThursday MorningThursday AfternoonThursday EveningFriday MorningFriday AfternoonFriday EveningSaturday MorningSaturday AfternoonSaturday EveningSunday MorningSunday AfternoonSunday Evening
How did you hear about the Volunteer Tutor Program?Current VolunteerWord of MouthWebsiteOther
Please note that all our Volunteer Tutors must have a Police Check and a Working with Children Check. We’ll organize these checks if you decide to join our team.