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Meet our student Ekhtyarullah

25 May 2023

Ekhtyarullah was born in Afghanistan and arrived in Australia on a humanitarian visa in early 2021. Three of his children are with him in Australia and the other three remain in Afghanistan.

His first language is Pashto, but he also speaks Dari and Urdu. He completed primary and secondary education up to year 11 and has worked in a variety of different jobs.

Ekhtyarullah first enrolled in AMEP in February 2022. He found out about AMEP through his caseworker and he enrolled with all three of his children. He attended an initial assessment and came to class the very next day.

He is very eager to learn and make progress. He has very good attendance and is always attentive and engaged in the classroom. In February 2023 he found a casual job in a food processing factory. He didn’t want to stop learning English, so he transferred to an evening AMEP class.

I feel that I’m gradually improving my English and my children are settling into the community well. I want to keep working in the food processing factory and study English at the same time.

Ekhtyarullah has made friends in his AMEP class and in his workplace. He always makes a conscious effort to use English whenever possible, and participates actively in all learning activities. He uses his time outside of class and the workplace to study English further. He uses online resources to practise his English and does typing at home in order to develop his typing skills.

He is an inspirational student who is eager to progress and gain new skills. His future already looks bright, and the Learning for Employment teachers and staff look forward to helping him achieve his goals for the future.