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Local volunteer helping others to learn English

28 July 2021

Jim O’Callaghan has been volunteering his time to help new arrivals to Australia learn English since April 2019. Jim currently has two students. Wilson was originally from China and Trinh who came to Australia from Vietnam.

Jim is a Volunteer Tutor for Learning for Employment’s Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). AMEP is funded by the Department of Home Affairs and provides free English tuition to people who migrate to Australia.

Jim has been volunteering with Learning for Employment since April 2019. He started out helping in English language classrooms and is now a Volunteer Tutor for two students.

Jim’s student Wilson lives in Ballarat. He helps Wilson with everyday conversation and topics such as going to the doctor or engaging a tradesperson. Jim’s other student Trinh is based in Melbourne and he tutors her online. She has a background in business and is studying for her real estate licence. As well as general conversation, Jim is covering business and commerce related topics with her.

The Department of Home Affairs has recently made changes to AMEP which mean more people are eligible for free English tuition. If you need help with your English, even if you have done AMEP in the past, please contact Learning for Employment on 1300 253 053. Learning for Employment has English classes, as well as Volunteer Tutors like Jim, for students looking for one to one assistance.