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Award winning AMEP volunteer

29 June 2023

Congratulation to Beress, our award winning AMEP volunteer!

At the recent AMEP conference organised by the Department of Home Affairs, Beress was recognised for her extraordinary contribution to helping AMEP students learn English and settle successfully in Australia. She has been a Volunteer Tutor with AMEP since 2016. She is currently working with 4 separate students, but at one point she was supporting 10 students!

AMEP Volunteer Tutors support are matched with students for one to one English tutoring. The tutoring happens outside of a classroom, at a location convenient to both the tutor and student. Many of the AMEP students who learn with volunteer tutors can’t come to class. They may have health challenges, caring responsibilities or be unable to find transport to come to class.

Beress has tutored many students, including 3 generations of women within one refugee family. In this family she supported the women to reach their goals including further study, employment, getting a driving licence and passing the citizenship test.

During the 2020 and 2021 COVID lockdowns, Beress continued to contact her students to provide conversational English and much needed social support. Some of Beress’ refugee students were very isolated during COVID, particularly if their financial circumstances meant they had no access to television or the internet. For these students she contacted them daily to make sure they had access to the latest COVID news.

Beress has also mentored new Volunteer Tutors and is always happy to help in any way she can. Thank you Beress and congratulations on your well deserved award!