AMEP student joins the regional workforce
Our face of AMEP this week is Chinese born and former AMEP student, Ying Qian.
Ying started the AMEP program in 2017 at the Werribee Campus and soon after joined the SLPET program.
Since participating in both these programs, Ying has gone onto become an ambassador at Avalon Airport which was her first casual role since moving to Australia. After leaving her ambassador role in early 2019 she was able to gain employment at Wyndham CEC as an Administration Assistant. Becoming an Administrative Assistant has been a goal for Ying since she migrated to Australia in 2017 as she had spent the 10 years prior working in a similar role.
During her time with the AMEP program she gained the opportunity to participate in work placement at the Barwon campus. This experience gave her the skills and confidence to apply for her current role. Ying also used her improved English skills that she gained through the AMEP program to complete a Certificate III in Community Services at her local TAFE last year.
We here at Learning for Employment wish Ying the best on her thriving career in the community service sector moving forward and look forward to seeing her next career move.