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Health information for our AMEP students

13 June 2019

We’re very pleased to be partnering with the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health to deliver health information for women in our AMEP classes.

Our students need to learn about Australian culture and society as well as English if they are to settle successfully. For many of our students, the health care available here is very different to that in their county of origin.

This 6 week women’s health program is delivered by health educators from the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health. The program covers topics such as sexual and reproductive health, family health, mental health and occupational health. Safety, wellbeing and the prevention of violence against women are also covered.

Manpreet is a student in one of our AMEP classes who arrived from India in 2015.  When I asked her about the course she said that, “It is very useful information about our health. We have had presentations about cancer, low iron and various other topics. Some students don’t know about Medicare.” When I visited the class they were talking about influenza and viruses, because the students had heard about the flu in the media.

We hope they will know much more about all of these topics by the end of this course.